Novorizhskoe, 9 км
The village of Third Hunt is located on Novorizhskoe highway, 9 km from the MKAD. All houses and cottages in the village are built according to individual projects, the areas range from 350 sq.m. to 2200 sq.m.
The cottage village of the Third Hunt is built taking into account high requirements - the territory is successfully zoned. There are places for active recreation, children's playgrounds, a beautiful lake with a walking area and a small beach, bike paths and much more.
The infrastructure of the village of the Third Hunt is thought out to the smallest detail. There are shops, apothecaries, an administrative building at your service. In the nearest access from the village there is an entertainment complex with supermarkets, fitness and sports sections.
The territory of the village is strictly guarded, video surveillance is installed in the village, daily patrols are carried out.
Apartment, 5 rooms